Women's Life Groups
Sunday Mornings
Room 101
11:00 am
Led by Claudette Presley
Ladies of All Ages
Room 105
11:00 am
Led by Sarah Young
His Workmanship
Room 105
9:30 am
Led by Jenny Risner and April DeWitt
Women's Bible Studies
Precept Upon Precept
Thursday mornings
9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
-Led by Marilyn Meyer
Thinking Heavenward
January 22 – April 23
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Room 106-107
-Led by Diane Hefner
A topical course designed, not only to help believers become more intimately familiar with the gift and promise of heaven, but to draw the heart heavenward.